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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rangana's Telephone Girl Friend

f*daka fmïj;sh ksid
rx.k fyar;af.a
lidfog lrorhla

l%slÜ l%svl rx.k fyar;ag fl,a,la ksid ojiaj, isÿjqfka uy wlr;eínhla' i;sfha  újdy Èúhg msúis rx.kf.a ;,j;=f.dv msysá ksjig Tyq újdy jkakg Èk lsysmhlg fmr meñKs tla;rd ;reKshla újdy iy;sl bÈßm;a lrñka lshd ;snqfka ;ud Tyq iu. újdyù ;sfnk neúka ;udg ta ksjfia kej;Sug Wjukd njls'whshd hhs lshd.;a ;j;a mqoa.,fhl= iu. meñKs fï ;reKsh ksid rx.kf.a ksjeishka wkaoukao jqKd'ta;a fmd,sishg okajd fï m%Yakfhka fíÍug Tyq iu;a jqKd'
miqj fy<sjQ wdldrhg j¾Id mSßia kïjQ fuu ;reKsh jxpksl f,i újdy iy;sl muKla fkdj ffjoH YsIHdjl f,i fmkS isá fydr iy;sl fukau úúO ÿrl;k wxl u.ska lror lrkakg fhdod.;a isï ldâ 21 lao <`. ;ndf.k ;snqKd' wehg cd;sl ye÷kqïm;a follao ;sî we;s w;r weh jdih lr ;sfnkafk;a tajdfha i|yka ,smsk j, fkdùu úfYaI;ajhls'jHdc iy;sl <`. ;nd.;a;dg tfrysj fmd,sish wehg kS;s ud¾.fhkao lghq;= lr ;sfnkjd'
fujeks w,l,xÑhlg rx.k kslïu m;ajqKdo@ ke;akï weh iu. fudlla yß iïnkaOhla Tyqg ;snqKdo@

fï .ek úuikakg f.disma ,xld ksjqia rx.k yuqù iïuqL idlÉPdjla meje;ajqjd' fï ta wjia:dfõ§ Tyq mejiQ W;a;rhs

fï lshk ;reKsh Tn okak flfklao@
Tõ' uu okakj' fuhd .ek uq,skau ±k.;af; ñia flda,a tllska' ug l;d lf<a udOj lsh,'ux lsõj ux udOj fkfï lsh,''thd lsõfj udOj lshk flfklaf.ka hd¿fjl=g lrorhla jqKd lsh,' miafi ux jerÈ fkdïurhla nj lsõj;a l;djg w,a,f.k wdfh wdfh;a l;d l<d'ug lrorhla fjk úÈyg È.ska È.gu l;d l<d' ug lrorhla ksid ux ÿrl;k wxlh n,, thdf. fkdïuf¾ íf,dla l<d'ta;a fjkia wxl j,ska ießka ief¾ thd wdfh l;d l<d'

fï lshk flkd n,kak Tn .syska ;shkj fkao@
Tõ tl ojila ux .,alsiafiÈ yïnfj, ;shkj' ux udOj fkfuhs rx.k lsh, ta fj,dfj meyeÈ,s lrd'

we;a; lshkak fudlla yß iïnkaOhla ;snqKo@
kE kE'ux yeu ;siafiu wehj u. yeßhd' fï lrorh wjqreÿ folyudrla ;siafi ;snqK'fï ldf, ;=< thdf. fkdïur yegla ú;r ux íf,dla lr, we;s'ug tia tï tia tjqj;a tajg ßma,hs lr, kE'

tfykï fydr újdy iy;sl wrka f.or tkakg weh fm<eUqfka wehs@
óg udi wglg ú;r l,ska ux m;a;f¾lg §mq iïuqL idlÉPdjlÈ wfm%a,a udfi újdy fjk nj t<s l<d' taflka miafi fï jefâ ie,iqï lrkak we;s'
ux l%slÜ f,da,Skag ,nd fok w;aikla f,fyisfhka msgm;a lrkak;a weh W;aidy or, ;shkj' ta j¾,aâlma l%slÜ ;r. n,kak fphd¾uka fndlaia mdia mjd weh wiqjqK fj,dfj <`. ;sì, ;shkj' fïj fldfydu yod.;a;o okafk kE'

Tfí ìßh ±k.;af; fldfyduo@ weh fï m%Yafk .ek lshkafk fudllao@
wms fokak fhdckdjlska miq udi wgl muK ±kye÷kqïlulska miqjhs újdy jqfka' weh fiakdks WmdêOdßkshla' weh fï m%Yafk Èyd nqoaêu;aj n,kj'fï ldka;djf.a fpdaokdj .ek wehg ;sfhkafk l,lsÍula'

fï m%Yafkka i;shlg muK miq Tfí újdy W;aijh meje;ajqfka úfYaI fmd,sia wdrlaIdj ueoafo lsh, wdrxÑhs@
tfyu fohla kE'ux wdrlaIdjla kï b,a¨fj kE'ta;a fmd,sisfh by< ;k;=re ork lsysmfofkl=u uf.a wdrdê;hska õÈyg wdjd'Tjqkaf. wdrlaIdjg ks,OdÍka wjg isáh fjkak mq¿jka'

rx.kf.a fuu isÿùfuka miq Tyq m%isoaêfha PdhdrEm .ekSug mjd wlue;a; m< lrk neúka Tyq yuqjQ wjia:dfõ PdhdrEm .ekSug wmg fkdyels úh'

rx.k iy fiakdks újdy Èkfha PdhdrEm tl;=j fu;ekska

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